The spark was struck in 1962 when my Dad arrived one day at our summer cottage with an AKC registered Airedale puppy named Orrbit. Orrbit was bred in 1968 to AKC registered Rusty Lassie and they produced 11 gorgeous and healthy puppies. I was hooked! |
The flame was rekindled in 1991 when I purchased a show quality female and experienced the joys of showing, breeding, and then whelping a litter. Having been a kindergarten teacher by profession, my love for children transferred naturally to Airedale puppies. Raising a litter of 10 puppies was much like guiding 5 year olds through their first year of school. |
I spent 13 years being mentored by Karen Schaffner and continue today my affiliation with Kingsmen Airedales. We have shown and bred many wonderful dogs together, the most renown being Ch. Kingsmen Renaissance Man (aka Dillon) who was number one Airedale in Group competition in 1999 and tied for number two sire in 2001. All these experiences led to my desire to establish ABERDEEN AIREDALES. |
ABERDEEN AIREDALES is a home based kennel located in Dexter, Michigan, just 15 minutes west of Ann Arbor. |
When we built our home in 2001 we incorporated kennel facilities for ten dogs into the design. This allows us to provide outstanding interior and exterior kennel space for our own dogs as well as a "place to come home to" for our clients who request boarding. |
Your inquires are welcome! Please feel free to call on my home phone 734.424.0006. If I am with another client, or out with the dogs, please leave voice mail. I will call you back within 24 hours!
Or you may click here to send me an email. I would love to hear from you.
Diana McKenna |