Looking for a Puppy?
You can get a puppy anywhere . . . but would you want to?
At Aberdeen Airedales our puppies are whelped, weaned, and socialized right within our home. This means that you will receive a puppy that can easily make the transition from our home to yours!
Puppies are conditioned to car rides, walking on a leash, sleeping in a crate, standing on a grooming table, knowing what clippers are for, responding to positive praise and experiencing the word "no". |
Our dogs are AKC registered and have participated in competition. All of our breeding dogs have competed in the show ring and most have been granted "champion" status by the American Kennel Club. Before breeding, our stock is x-rayed, found clear of hip dysplasia, and boasts an OFA certification number to that effect. We are selective in our breedings with an eye to producing show quality dogs who conform to the standard for the breed. The result is beautiful, healthy puppies - whether they will be shown and bred or loved and cared for as a pet, or both! |
From the day they are born our puppies are lovingly cared for and evaluated with their new homes in mind. In the first week their tails are docked and declaws removed. All puppies are examined by a veterinarian and receive appropriate vaccinations. The pup's health and vaccination record including a schedule for future shots, as well as the name and address of the veterinarian providing the services is provided to the new owner. The pups are available to go to their new homes at approximately 8 weeks of age with a health and temperament guarantee. The new owner is encouraged to take their puppy for a "wellness exam" by their veterinarian within the first 48 hours. |
Puppies go home with a complete packet of helpful information tucked into their travel bag. This custom travel bag contains a favorite toy and "blankie" plus food and treats to help you through the first few days. Your information packet will include a feeding schedule, house training tips, articles on chewing and puppy proofing your home, plus a list of resources to help you find answers to all of your questions. Of course we hope to continue to be your primary resource for the life of the dog, and offer grooming and boarding services for those Airedales purchased from us. |